
How to get rid of blackheads of chin?

by Guest11101  |  earlier

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I've recently noticed these little bumps on my chin, they're not pimples, and when i squeez some they're blackheads, but others i get no response. They're sometimes hard to see and difficult to get rid of, any products that can work wonders?

Thanks, NT




  1. everytime after you finish taking a shower..your pores are still open due to the heat. with a towel, rub the blackhead spots in one direction a few times. this should help rub off dead skin cells as well as ooze out some of that blackhead each time you shower. This works for your nose too. (i use a towel and with a finger on top of the towel, scrub that area in one direction continuously a few times. Ive notice blackheads come back less each time)  

  2. use clean & clear toner and biore strips to pull off the blackheads.

    Good Luck.

  3. clean and clear blackhead eraser it suppose to work well but maybe think about using moisturizer after u use it cuz it could make your skin a bit dry

  4. biore blackhead remover works crazyyy good.

  5. well : accordingly to " Other - Skin & Body  it is very important  

    that you would need Proactive for the best choice from

    Healthy Skincare Products   of course Solution works to clear -up

    Acne And Blackheads yes Answers Skin & Body  also Beauty &

    Style  "

  6. go to a pharmacy and buy a blackhead remover. The pharmacist can help you.

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