
How to get rid of brown recluse spiders?

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yep, like i said. chemical or non-chemical. i heard cedar shavings wrapped up in nylon hose works. is that true and are there other ways? please for the love of pete, help!!!




  1. Two available pesticides that contain chemicals that specifically target spiders are Spectracide Triazicide and Ortho Home Defense Plus.It is recommended that in addition you put out spider glue traps, as they may move before the pesticide takes effect.To avoid contact make sure beds are not touching walls, and bedskirts do not contact floors.Use plastic storage containers to store items not used regularly.Shake out clothes and shoes before wearing. Recluse are not web spinners.They  like tarantulas are ambush hunters,hiding in dark areas and jumping out to attack their prey.Fortunately even where infestations are heavy,human bites are rare.These precautions along with the pesticides, and glue traps should insure you are not bitten before you are free of them.As for the cedar chips they are great for moths, but spiders are not affected by them.It is true that pesticides in general will not kill the recluse The two I mentioned however do. They contain a pesticide for the homeowner that myself, and others who are licensed to buy pesticides for professional use only can by in a higher concentration.The lower concentration is still effective on the recluse. Traps are fine, and should be used in combination with the chemical for the reason I stated.Recluse can go for long periods without food or water.Much longer than other spiders, so they are content to find a warm dark crevice or similar spot to hide , and stay for extended periods.It will take a very long time to get them all with traps alone for this reason.The county extension service in one of the best sources for information.Websites that are selling products of any kind will always give information geared to sell those products.

  2. If it's in your house, call a professional exterminator immediately and live somewhere else for a day or two, if necessary.  If a brown recluse bites you (for example when you're sleeping), best-case scenario, you will be in a lot of pain.  Worst-case, you will die.  Somewhere in the middle, you will lose an arm or a leg.  

    Not worth the risk.  Pay the money.  A hospital visit will cost more, anyway.

  3. Well you don't say where they are, House or barn.

    Or where you live.

      Where I come from they are shy and stay outside in their cobwebs in dark corners of rocks, and sheds.

    In warmer climates I am sure that they are worse.

    In the house vacuum cleaners and dust mops are your best defense.

    In barns there are pesticide bombs, or aerosol sprays that can be lit off and will kill most anything in their path.

    Make sure animals are out of the barn for 24 hours after and remove their food also before lighting off the canisters.

       If you go to the local Agricultural Field Station, or an Agway store. you will probable get some real advice tuned to the area that you live in.

  4. brown recluses are immune to pesticides when you bomb or spray it kills all the other insects brown recluses feed off of so you are just feeding them the only way to get rid of brown recluses is glue traps they are sold in most stores glue traps or sticky traps good luck to your brown recluse problem remember dont get bite by one

  5. I am a brown recluse bite victim, pesticides do not work, they are not affected.  They actually like pesticides because it kills other insects and spiders and that's what they eat.

    Go to    and purchase for cheap the sticky traps.  That been researched to be the most effective way in reducing the population.

  6. Are they house or barn? Well if there house then call Terminix!

  7. goto your local drugstore and ask for sulfur candles . . u burn these in the house for several hours but u have to leave the home while these burn, when time is up u open doors & windows to air house out, read instructions on candles for exact use. These candles will get rid of spiders, roaches,ants and most other insects in the home

  8. Well, if they are "recluse spiders" invite house guests for the weekend.  They will likely pack up if guests arrive!  (sorry, couldn't resist).  LOL.

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