
How to get rid of carpenter bees?

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I've been spraying the holes they drill,but they just keep coming back and drill more holes, anybody know of anything that I can apply to wood, so they stop coming around.




  1. Paint the wood is something I read that will deter them.

  2. they are a royal pain in the a$$ they are eating my garage as fast as i can fix it I am thinking of building them their own house maybe that will be the answer to my prayers

    supposedly there is a spray that you can buy but we have tried nearly everything and they are relentless! and destructive my husband got so mad he started using foam o fill and plugging then up in the holes they were boring that seems to work ok . He has also beat them with a broom , sprayed them with everything!  

    I have located the link I have been reading for you to view and good luck


  3. I would first spray the holes with a wasp & hornet spray or an insect spray with a straw like attachment to reach deep into the holes.There is usually a queen in there and the males are outside protecting her and the nest.Fill the holes with a silicone base caulk or sealant.Paint the wood surface with an oil base paint.Two coats will usually do it.

    For some reason the carpenter bees do not like the oil base paint.It must taste NASTY .

  4. buy some tracking powder  and apply it to the holes , they will be gone in a few days .

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