
How to get rid of cat pee.?

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My cats have been peeing in my house for awhile and now it has soaked into the padding and the floor underneath.

the smell is really bad and I'm embarrassed to have people come over because of the smell.

I've tried almost every type of spray, and I don't have the money to replace the floors and I just can't give away my cats.

Please please help me.




  1. Whoever commented that you have to replace the carpet ir incorrect.  Sometimes you can just replace patches of the padding.  If all methods of cleaning the carpet failed, and you call in a professional, see about just replacing the padding in the problem areas.

  2. This stuff really works and is relatively cheap

    Good luck!

  3. You can't.  Like you said, it's already seeped through the carpet and padding.  You have to get new carpet and padding.  When you do have the money to do this, scrub the wood floors. And be prepared for an awful stench.  When the wood gets wet, it expands.  This is going to let out all the smells you left and whoever lived there before.  It's awful.  Have the windows open with fans facing outward.  When the floors dry, then install the new carpet and padding.

  4. get a collar put a rope and tie t outside

    find real gud cologne

  5. try using resolve to clean the carpet then sprinkle some Glade carpet fresh on it for a few minutes and then vacuum the leftover powder. Repeat if necessary. Also try some odor eliminating sprays, doesn't have to be an air freshener  

  6. try a vinagar baking soda and boiling water mixture.  to make the mixture smell better, get some essential oils that you like and add to the solution.

  7. i heard that cleaning your floors with diluted vinegar works but no positive on the mixture.

    here is a link

    good luck and hope i helped

  8. There are several very effective, enzyme based products and you can get them at the pet store. Shampoo the rugs before using the product. Once you treat the whole area keep a supply on hand for accidents. You may need to retrain your cats to use their litter,because you'll never get the smell totally out and it stimulates them to go more. Try crate training with a litter box. Never rub your kitty's nose in their accidents! Good luck! Moth

  9. Just make sure you have a clean litter box (cleaned at least daily if not several times a day) and also have your cat neutered - sometimes cats that are not neutered spray around the house.  This is so they do not add any more to your floors.  

    My vet's office sells some products for removal of odor or urine.  You may want to try that as a cheaper alternative.  You may also try calling a carpet cleaning service to see how much their services would cost, but this could be a bit more expensive.  

    And since it went to the bottom of your carpet, if it is possible, you may want to pull the carpet up and clean the floor underneath when you clean the carpet, because if you only clean the carpet, the smell will stay underneath.  I hope this helps.  

    Here are two links on house soiling from my vet's web site.  The first link has some additional advice on cleaning.

  10. lemon juice the grind of an orange and mixed,with a bit of salt for consistency, mix it all together and maybe even heat it for about 5 minutes to combine the ingredients into a liquid then spray over the soiled area and vaccume around 2-4 hours later depending on how bad it is you shouldnt have to use to much liquid!! this is my own home remody so PLEASE LET ME KNOW IF IT WORKS!! i know cats hate the smell of orange and all the other ingredients are safe for furniture.good luck!!xxxx oh and plus you can spray this anywhere in your home and furniture all day and night!! as for the floor boards already  soaked i suggest you either get someone in to clean them or pour the self home remody on them as lemon and orange dry very quickly and leave a fresh smell,its cheaper than a (proffesional) first time round!!xx

  11. Unfortunately, there is no way really of getting rid of the smell.  It's the way cats mark their territory.  You can try getting a professional carpet cleaner to clean your floors and put down deodorizer - that would be the only other idea I have other than replacing it all.

    Are you cleaning out their box DAILY? Scraping the bottom?  Adding new litter to replace the old? Do you have enough in there - there should be 3-4 inches.  If you have more than one cat, do you have a box for every cat?  If you live on a multi-story place, is there a box on each floor?  Keep the litterboxes away from their food as well - would you want to eat in a smelly bathroom?

    Keeping a clean fresh litterbox will keep them from urinating on your carpet.

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