
How to get rid of cigarette smoke smell from room? or stop it spreading to other rooms?

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the cig. smoke from the toilet next to my room(not ensuite) keeps infiltrating my room, and i seriously hate it, gives me a headache and can't concentrate on my work. so is there a way to either stop the smell from coming out of the toilet(door closed doesn;t help), and into my room?




  1. Talk to the person and enlighten them as to how SMOKING CAUSES CANCER.....Good Luck!!

  2. stop smoking or get your friend to quit.  then wash the walls down with warm water and soap.

  3. Try a bowl of vinegar in the room which apparently absorbs the odours.

    Cheap and worth a try.

    If you're renting, is it legal for people to smoke in there anyway?

    Look into it.

    The only other way would be to seal your door somehow.

  4. close  the open space underneath the door from the toilet with thin cloth. Burn incense candles or sticks

    in your room. Keep your windows open so that fresh air

    comes in. If all these do not work, change the room or

    ask ther person to go to the open and smoke.


  5. buy the smoker an air ionizer and have them blow the smoke through that when they exhale. That will trap all the c**p in the air filter by negatively charging all the particles, and using a positive charge to attract them all.

  6. Ban smoking in the house-.

    Like most people do.

    In many places and homes ,you have to go out side and smoke

    30 years ago , in my brothers house,i had to sit in the chimney and smoke.

  7. go out fm t room n smoke

  8. Try "Febreeze".  The spray eliminates most odors and works well on cigarette smoke, especially if it is coming in from another room.

  9. Smoke outside, i do and my house dont smell of smoke.

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