
How to get rid of cold sores quickly?

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Please help, I have a singing performance to go to tonight and it's my last one and all my friends are watching and there will be 500 people...I want to rock it and I don't know what I'm going to do with this cold sore, I don't want and drugs...Just a home natural remedy that works QUICK!!!

Thank you.




  1. chapstick

  2. 1. Cover cold sores with a protective petroleum-based product. This will speed healing and help protect it from secondary infection with bacteria.

    Step2. Reach for aspirin, acetaminophen, or ibuprofen. Cold sores can be quite painful. Over-the- counter painkillers can help.

    Step3. Avoid salty or acidic foods. Foods such as potato chips or citrus fruits can further irritate cold sores and add to the pain.

    Step4. Apply an over-the-counter anesthetic. A local anesthetic ointment containing benzocaine can help numb the pain temporarily.

    Step5. Consult your health-care provider. If you have frequent or severe cold sores, see your doctor. In some cases, an antiviral medication called acyclovir can be prescribed.

    Step6. Protect your lips from the sun. Applying sunscreen to your lips may help prevent sun-induced recurrences of cold sores. Look for a sunscreen designed especially for the lips that has an SPF of 15 or higher. Or, choose a lipstick that contains sunscreen.

    Step7. Keep it to yourself. Cold sores are extremely contagious. Avoid kissing and sharing cups, towels, or other such items. Wash your hands frequently, especially after touching cold sores. And take care not to touch your eyes or genitals immediately after touching cold sores.

    Like many people around the world, I suffered with cold sores for many years, trying all sorts of treatments in vain. If the above doesn't get rid of you cold sores, you might want to check this out:


    Go to you doctor.He/She may prescribe ointment and salt helps

    valseline etc.

  3. Get baking soda, and add little bit of water until it is a "paste" then rub on your lips! leave it on for 15 minutes! if its still there do it again! its the fastest way!

  4. ...if its on your tongue its not a cold sore.  Its an aphthous ulcer.  you can get them from stress or supressed immune system.

    it will take 5-10 days to go away however if you want to ease your symptoms, don't eat spicy foods, do not drink alcohol and rinse your mouth with maalox and benadryl.  it will numb the area and ease the pain a little.  just don't do it before a big performance.  the last thing you need is a numb tongue before you sing!

  5. well I know salt works on canker sores......

    maybe you could try it?


  7. use cold soar medicine.

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