Every once in a while these cystic pimples develop. They start as just a kind of sore lump and then turn into huge swollen pimples. They can't be popped. I can always tell when one is coming in. I continue to use my normal acne system (Clean and Clear) whenever they happen, but the clean and clear only works for regular acne. The cystic pimples I have are extremely embarrassing, and because theres usually only one on my face at a time, I can see people staring at this one huge lump all day long. And the worst thing is, they stay for at least a month. A huge problem now is that the new one is growing in right next to a still healing one. So I'll have TWO huge lumps on my chin. How do I get rid of these? And prevent them from coming in? Because it seems like there's nothing I can do.