
How to get rid of cystic acne?

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Every once in a while these cystic pimples develop. They start as just a kind of sore lump and then turn into huge swollen pimples. They can't be popped. I can always tell when one is coming in. I continue to use my normal acne system (Clean and Clear) whenever they happen, but the clean and clear only works for regular acne. The cystic pimples I have are extremely embarrassing, and because theres usually only one on my face at a time, I can see people staring at this one huge lump all day long. And the worst thing is, they stay for at least a month. A huge problem now is that the new one is growing in right next to a still healing one. So I'll have TWO huge lumps on my chin. How do I get rid of these? And prevent them from coming in? Because it seems like there's nothing I can do.




  1. First of all. Never pop a pimple it leads to permanent scarring.

    Do you want permanent scarring?  No.

    Second drink plenty water, no soda, or coffee.  If you need the caffein drink green tea.  

    Also try putting 100% aloe on your face at night before going to bed, and stop using toxic cleaners on your skin.

    Finally, try fish oil pills.  Not cod liver, fish oil or flax oil pills if your one of those vegetarian types.

  2. The best thing you can do, is change your diet.

    Be sure to eat healthy, no junk food or softdrinks. ONLY water.

    Eat as many vegetables as possible.

    Or even better, do a raw diet. You'll look younger and prettier without makeup.

  3. 1) Cook oatmeal and apply on face for fifteen minutes and wash.

    2) Make a warm bath with blanch of nettle and rosemary.

    3) Apply equal amount of lemon juice and rose water with a cotton ball and wash it after haif an hour for 15 to 20 days.

    For dozens of more ways, prevention, types and reasons check

  4. ok first of all food has nothing to do with any acne.  the best thing to do is see a derm.  You may need the meds just around the time you get your period that's the only time I take my meds since my hormones r all crazy and I break out  a bit.  cystic acne can also get injected with cortizone to dissolve it within a day or so.

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