
How to get rid of disturbing thoughts?

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im 14 and i am constantly thinking about terrible things. i cant control what images just pop up in my head. they are extremely disturbing and horrific. i cant make them go away and my parents cant afford psychiatry. i havent slept soundly in over 5 years. plz can someone help




  1. Just do what ever pops into your head. They'll stop, I promise.

  2. Watch something really funny before u sleep and think about all the time while u wait to fall asleep. Or u could just think of some fine azz girls. Thats hard to have a bad dream when u thinkin bout that.

  3. I know what you mean...before I took medication for depression and anxiety which I had for 8 years...constantly thinking uncontrollably of horrible things, disgusting situations...just stuff you'd think a insane person would think was just a nightmare. Are you feeling depressed? Please see your school counsellor a.s.a.p they can help you, you probably need some medication...ignore people who are skeptical of it it works, it's pretty much saved me. Thanks to medication I don't have this problem anymore. Just don't ignore and leave'll only get worse trust a person who's gone through those things even longer then you.

    Exercising also helps alot, relaxes you. Also try to occupy yourself with something you like doing and surround yourself with people you get along with.

  4. write poems, stories and scripts and become a millionaire

  5. look, there will be a point in your life when you have bad thoughts i have for about almost two years but i dont think it'll last to long. so dont worry everybody goes thru that

  6. Are u literally puting the thoughts there? or they just come out of thin air? If thats the case it kinda seems like OCD in some form to be honest. 5 yrs is a long time.

    Talk with a school counselor or a minister or talk with your parents first of all, and start applying for health insurance for low or middle income ppl. Trust me theres some around or they can pay half or more than half and your parents pay  some. Check your options, go to a transitional assisatnce center if u have too. U serioulsy need to get these thoughts out by just writeing them down or simply try to dismiss the thought  by saying, wow wat a dumb thought and laugh it off and forget about it. What r u doing exactly when the thoughts come? Are u watching bad and violent things? Are u abusing drugs or live in a broken home? Or r u just a  normal healthy person?

    Plz talk with someone preferrably the ppl mentioned above, good luck and don't put this on hold any longe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. Also u should serioulsy try to relax by breathing and praying before u go to sleep.

  7. Can you have a close friend to stay over? to keep you company,

    Get a good workout that will wear you out at night, so you're tired enough to just fall into a deep sleep?

    Sorry don't know what else to suggest, I don't want to give you bad advice. Hopefully you can get help through your school psychologist.

  8. talk to your doctor. he might be able to prescribe you something. don't listen to what other people say, drugs do work. i'm living proof. if it weren't for drugs i probably wouldn't be alive.

  9. Keep a journal...write stuff down to get it out of your head. Talk to a friend about it or a minister. They can help and its free. GL!

  10. Sounds like you are feeling really isolated and really stressed-out.  If your family cannot afford a psychiatrist...are there any community mental health clinics in your area?  You may need someone (a case manager) who can visit you & your family at home...they offer support and ensure you receive the care you need to stay well (intensive support).  They also help you and your family get additional support.

    Would  you consider trying simple art/craft work which may divert your attention from those "extremely disturbing and horrific" images in your head...may also help you sort out what is real in your world.  You could try creative writing or join a group such as a swimming club/sports club.

    Effective medications are available to assist in controlling these symptoms you've been having.  Medication should be reviewed regularly by your doctor to reduce the possibility of unwanted side effects that may cause you distress.

    A mood assessment program that gives doctors/GPs the know-how of a mental health specialist with the touch of a button may be available to your family doctor.  Patients basically enter information about their illness into a computer program called MAP (mood assessment program) provides sophisticated information/diagnosis to your doctor that otherwise could only be given by a highly-skilled specialist.

    Self-help strategies...exercise (very effective), yoga/meditation, massage and relaxation.

  11. get sleeping pills

  12. talk to a school counselor

  13. It sounds like you need professional help. Couldn't you go to the school counsellor or possibly see your GP? Tell them about the sleep disturbance too. Leave the money to the parents, really--you're 14 and you need help, and you really shouldn't be told you can't get it because of the cost. If you feel incapacitated, walk to the nearest hospital and check yourself in. Good luck--please take care of yourself.

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