
How to get rid of moles?

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How to get rid of moles?




  1. Surgery..

  2. A butane torch and a Dixie cup?

  3. Moles are basically groups of pigments that are darker than your skin, which means that even if you try to "pick" it off it'll just grow back. The best way to get it removed is to go to a dermatologist. If the mole is in a really sensitive spot (like near your lip, eye, etc.) they'll put a numbing cream on it, make you wait a while, and then apply an anesthetic (shot) to the area. if it's not in a sensitive spot, then they'll just give you the shot. after making it completely numb, they'll use either a laser or a cautery pen to burn the mole off. They'll tell you not to disturb the scab and to try not to get it wet for a certain time period. The area might be swollen because of the anesthesia--it'll go down in no time. So yea... usually you're left with a really small scar that you probably won't be able to see but will be able to feel.

    good luck, and do not try to do it at home.

  4. I got mine removed using this lazer surgery thing. They were gone for about 2 months, but they came back. So bum. Lol.

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