
How to get rid of mosquito

by  |  earlier

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Theirs a mosquito in my bedroom. It's been biting me for the past few nights. How much blood does it need? I had to sleep on the couch last night because of a friggin mosquito! I friggin closed my bedroom door and slept on the couch as if it's some kind of wild rabid serial killer animal. Can mosquito's get rabies? haha. It must be hopped on something. It's hard to kill. I can't see it! I tried covering myself in the sheet so it couldn't bite me, but in the middle of the night I became uncovered and that's when it attacks. What is the lifespan of the mosquito? I might get a hotel room for a week until it dies. I have to try and starve it to death. I refuse to be the mosquito's slave! It never leaves the room. It just lies their waiting to strike. It better hope I never find it. I will severely torture the mosquito. Start sticking needles in it's body and start sucking it dry and see how much it likes that. Or I could drown it in blood by slitting my wrist shouting "HERE JERK YOU WANT MY BLOOD, FRIGGIN DRINK IT! DRINK IT!!!!!" As the mosquito starts drowning in my blood I'll snap back to reality and realize I'm actually pouring my own blood on top of a mosquito to kill it. Wow, I'm now snapping back to reality and realizing I wrote an entire post on torturing a mosquito. It's days are numbered. All it takes is one smack and it's dead. Tonight is the night. I'm wearing wool socks, jeans and a long sleave shirt to bed tonight. Call me paranoid, but I refuse to lose this battle




  1. youre amazing xD

    i would go at extreme lengths to kill a mosquito too!

    show that mosquito whos BOSS!

  2. stay up with a light on, wait for it to land on u, and slap it.

  3. First you need to go the hardware store and buy this special mosquito killer.  It has a long metal handle and a flexible plastic tip... no wait that's a fly swatter... just smash it... its smaller than you.

  4. u have... um lets say....issues

  5. answer mine please

  6. why don't you buy anti-mosquito bite sprays? they help prevent you from getting bitten. or.. you can buy the sprays that kill pest..such as mosquitoes...?  

  7. Buy a plug in insect killer from a travel shop. Or a mosquito net. Hope i helped. Please rate best ansa x It actually Works!

  8. Tell him you want to start seeing other mosquitoes.

  9. sounds more like bedbugs to me LOL

  10. They hate garlic and cigarette smoke so eat a few cloves of garlic and invite a chain smoker over for the night and the little bugger should have moved out by dawn.

  11. Wat the h**l is wrong wit u man!! R u serious!!! U r freaking afraid of one mosquito in your bedroom, h**l I have slept in a house wit over 10-15 mosquitos and I'm a girl. And you talkin about moving to a hotel. cause of one mosquito? But seriously you should get some Raid or something dude cause you have a serious *** issue. If you gon let a d**n mosquito run you out yo house!

  12. you kill it. wow. or if u  want to be really mean catch it alive and pull of its sucker thing where it draws ur blood. It will then starve to death. ha

  13. either light a eucalyptus candle or eat a lot of garlic, both ward off mosquitoes. And even as irritating as it is, she only sees you as a food source and nothing else, as far as she's concerned, its nothing personal, you're just dinner. (I say she because its only the females who bite)

    i have to admit, though, I like your spirit. This post was a lot of fun to read ^^

  14. Get some mosquito spray!  I would do the same thing!  Hope it dies a torturing death!

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