
How to get rid of my belly? help please ! :(?

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I have a belly that I have never seen it go away ever since I was a teenager. No matter what I do, it doesn't go away.. I'm very active guy. I'm 6' 2'' and 210lbs.. Yes I'm a little bit over weight but I look very skinny..This fat that I have around my belly and pilates won't go away.. I mean I'm doing 20 min. cardio at least every day and rright after that I do weight lifting and all that..My body might have built this way but I can't accept that as a solution or as an answer.. I need help please.. :( should I take weight loss pills or what should I do?




  1. stay in up position like you're gonna do a pushup and hold it for at least 45 seconds. do planks too, crunches

  2. Michael, forget all the diet pills, potions and lotions.  The ONLY thing they will make lighter is your wallet.

    I suggest that you EAT all the fresh veggies/fruits, beans, whole grains that you can cram into your pie hole.  Oh, and throw in a few nuts and seeds.  Get away from all processed foods.  Ex. whole wheat spaghetti - good; Captain Crunch - bad.  If you eat as I suggest for one month you will look and feel better than you have in YEARS.  I promise.

    Now for losing the belly.  There is no such thing as "spot reducing".  For example, professional tennis players have the same per cent fat on both their dominant and non-dominant arms.  You'd think the one they exercise the heck out of would have less fat, but it doesn't.  The human body is not made to work that way.  Are doing crunches, etc. good for you?  Yeah, BUT don't go crazy, because it won't make any difference in the fat, just in core strength and toning.

    Finally, maybe you are being a little too hard on yourself.  I bet there are a lot of guys out there that would kill you have your body- really.

    Accept yourself and appreciate what great health you have at this time in your life.  You are more blessed than you know.

  3. why do u want to be skinny? turn that fat in to muscle. you say u go to tha gym... well then work harder while ure in there.

  4. dont lift weights right after cardio.  If any thing do the cardio after weights.   Try doing HITT it worked great for me. There is no need to do more than 25 min. It beats running for 40 min by far. do this atleast 4 times a week and try to put a littel weight training in there. Dont try and lose weight too fast. If you are losing more than 2 lbs a week you might be loing muscle(catabolic, you can google it)

    I have tryed a few weight loss pills.  Some work but they are only there to give you an edge.  If your cardio and eating is not under control then pills shold not be used. You might consider puting this to work at some poin.t

    *WIth HITT you will not over work your self like you might by doing full run or jog for 20-40 min like most people.

    * With HITT you should stay in you target hart range.

    *you will burn more calories from fat while preserving muscle

    23 hours ago

    Here is a idea of what my diet looks like but it will need to be adjusted to your activaty leval, weight, etc...

    Breakfast Cereal with low fat milk and Low cal protein shake( muscle milk light or gold standard whey)

    mid morning snake" Nuts of some sort, or maybe some cheese( I can’t think of other good snakes right now)

    Lunch: Sandwich with 100%whole wheat bread veggies and some kind of meat with low % fat (you want to stay away from fat) keep it blow say 10% or even lower when it comes to meat

    Mid afternoon snack ( some kind of snack loaded with protein like nuts or another protein shake if you can handle that)

    Dinner ( don’t eat a big dinner) Lean source of protein like chicken, lean ground beef, top sirloin stake,

    bedtime if you go to bed around 10 and need a snack eat some low fat cottage cheese around 9 or so

    I think this diet can get you started but you need to find out what cal intake you need. There are web sites that can assist with that according to your weight and activity level.

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