
How to get rid of my headache?

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ok so i have been having these headaches the past few days that make my eyes hurt and feel like my eyes are gonna pop out of my head lol and i was wondering how i can get rid of them without taking tylenol or medication cuz wen i take medication it works for a bit then hurts again and i don't like taking medicine a lot or wen i am some were were i cant get any tylenol. i heard of pressure points in your hands and feet that are suppose to help take away headaches and backaches but i don't know were those are lol. any help?




  1. lay down in a dark, quiet room with a hot wet washcloth over your eyes. But if it gets to bad it will be really hard to get rid of, Some thing for pain should be taken to at least dull it

  2. I agree with Hank, get it checked out, especially if this is a new development.  That aside, when I get migraines, I sometimes use a bag of frozen peas as an ice pack, and lay down in a dark, cool, quiet room.

    When that doesn't work, I have a shower head that has a massage function, and I turn that on, usually with hot water, and let it spray directly on my head, and it usually eases the pain enough that I can lay down until the headache goes away.

    And I agree with happy mom, you should take at least a little something for the pain, even if it is just one or two ibuprofen.

  3. First you must find the problem. You should get you vision checked as soon as possible, because this is the number 1 cause of headaches. Pressure points are only effective for muscles and certain organs that require muscle use like the stomach, and are not likely to completely relieve the pain, but can dull it. You can narrow the problem by seeing if the pain eases when you close your eyes, darken the room, or relax your neck muscles. If the pain eases with darkness or by closing your eyes, it is more likely, you need glasses or contacts, and the problem will not go away until you get them. A temp. pressure point is to place your thumbs on your temples and rotate in a circle while pressing as hard as you can stand it. It is refreshing, but does not get rid of the pain.  

  4. 1 good luck!~

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