
How to get rid of pain and swelling of twisted ankel? ?

by Guest59613  |  earlier

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my friend twisted her ankel while running and did not care and walked and twisted it again and again. It is giving the feelings of heavyness and pain and swelling.




  1. Try keeping pressure off as much as possible and try soaking in some epsom salts and warm water. Taking a few Ibuprofen may reduce the swelling and pain.

  2. Make sure, you have heat packs/ice and make sure you go on crutches for a few days.

    Make sure you are well rested and don't walk around to much around that time.

  3. elevate and ice it

  4. she needs to stay off it. sometimes a minor broken foot can seem like a bad sprain...some sprained ankles can actually be so bad that they require surgery. tell ur friend to stay the **** off it or she could end up regretting it

  5. Your twisted ankle may be sprained.  RICE: R - rest  I -ice C - compression (like an ACE bandage, but not too tight or you will cut off circulation) E - elevate.

    If it is sprained, it will slowly get better, if its not getting better or its just too painful to bear weight on, you may have a fracture.

  6. STAY OFF OF IT!!, elevate it, ice it for 20 mins. a few times a day, and tell your "friend" she's a goofball for walking on a sprained ankle.  

  7. She needs to put an ice pack on it & elevate it.& stay off her feet as much as possible till the swelling goes down

  8. MiMi , and Toby's mom are right.For even more info, go to and enter twisted ankle in the search box at the top of the page, and read through everything that comes up.And check out the rest of the page too.Lots of good info there, and best of all, it's totally free.Hope this helps !  

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