
How to get rid of paranormal acticity?

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last night i believe that i had some spirits in my room. i told my teacher and she said it sounds like paranormal. how do i get them to leave?




  1. I don't know if it has to do with believing....I only know they were there by hindsight.

    TR....I've looked all over for that link you did....all the pretty colors. I can't find it! Hope you'll put it on again. Thanks.

  2. You can hire a priest to smoke your house. The Smoking will rid all evil spirits & keep it that way. If there is still paranormal activity after words then the spirits are good & and these ghosts tend to be protectors which is nice to know.

    Also, a crucifix on top of a door helps but smoking your house is more effective

  3. 1)don't be scared of it...

    2)tell it to leave you alone or get lost

    3)try communicating with it and find out what it wants...(EVP works good)

    4)take pictures or video if the occurrences increase

    5)check out the TAPS sight and post a help add in the forums...

    6)find an investigative team close to you and see if they won't check it out for you...

    (if you really want attention though get proof first)


  4. If there actually is paranormal activity or spirits there really isn't a way to tell them to leave. First of all, it doesn't really sound like they were harmful or tried to hurt you in anyway so I don't think you have to worry about anything. And second if you want to try and make them move on, you should do some research on where you live and see if anything ever happened there. Then I would find out if there are any unresolved issues that you could help with. I think that would be your best bet. Not that I'm an expert by any means. Hope that helps.

  5. What makes you think that you had spirits in your room? Without any details we can't even try and answer your question.

    What you need to do first of all is try and eliminate all the mundane things it could be first. My instinct tells me this is more likely to be hypnagogic or hypnopompic sleep.

    Hypnagogic or hypnopompic hallucinations are visual, tactile, auditory, or other sensory events, usually brief but occasionally prolonged, that occur at the transition from wakefulness to sleep (hypnagogic) or from sleep to wakefulness (hypnopompic). The person may hear sounds that are not there and see visual hallucinations. These visual and auditory images are very vivid and may be bizarre or disturbing.

    I'm appauled that your teacher said that to you. She had no right to say anything of that nature. How does she know???

    If you did have spirits in your room, all you have to do is thank them for visiting, but explain that you don't want them there and they will leave. Simple as. It's nothing to be scared about.

    Hope this helps.

    P.S, to the person who said stay away from ouija. I agree that this person should not use a ouija board. The only time they are dangerous is when they are in the hands of someone who does not know what they are doing, which in this case, it would be. Ouija boards do NOT only channel "bad" spirits. Try to do a little more research. If used PROPERLY and safely, they are no more dangerous than any other form of divination.

  6. Ignore it and it will go away.Speak to a school counselor about the teacher.

  7. If you stop believing in them, they'll leave, guaranteed. I think it was pretty irresponsible of your teacher to spook you by telling you that it was paranormal instead of telling you to rationally investigate and consider the most likely explanations first.

    You don't give any details of your haunting, so I can't respond with specifics. But I do want to point out that this happened at night in your room, so I suspect you were sleeping or were falling asleep. If so, your haunting shares something in common with most reported hauntings -- they happen while sleeping or in the process of waking or going to sleep. Why is this so?  Because this is when the mind can be dreaming and you may not be able to tell very well the difference between the dream and the reality.

    So, my answer is that it is very likely that you can get rid of this "paranormal " activity simply by recognizing it wasn't paranormal to begin with.

  8. You simply have not provided information for anyone to give a decent answer. You should of course consider all normal explanations before considering the paranormal.

    I have provided a link below that explains sleeps paralysis which might be one possible explanation.

    There are many faith/religious based rituals like smudging with sage, burning blessed candles, sprinkling holy water, reading prayers, imagining a white protective bubble around you that block negative energy, etc.

  9. Super simple.  Sea salt sprinkled about, and a simple asking whatever is there to leave. And "In the name of Christ" if you are so inclined.

  10. Call the Ghostbusters.

  11. You have to see what is causing it first. Are you stressed? How is the family? Are there any issues that you might be keeping to your self? Does the phenomena happen after a high outburst of energy;like an argument? If so have you tried to resolve it? Things are just not always a haunting. They do happen but looked inward first and take personal inventory, then look for explainable events before you go that route....

    Email me if you need some help.....

  12. when it comes back or you feel it, pray and talk out loud and say "i am loved and i have people to protect me and you cant hurt me now go away!" it should work, try it

  13. Hi I am a paranormal investigator and I have to agree with TR you have not given enough info you can send anyone of us a message or email and we would be more than happy to help you

  14. If you can get ahold of some braided sweetgrass(Native American/Indigenous people)than you light it and put out the flame so it is smoking, and go through the house shaking the sweetgrass.  Try that fisrt, you can also look up prayers to say(check online).  What ever you do, DO NOT use a QUiJA board to communicate.  QUija boards are bad news.  Good Spirits do not communicate using QUiJA and using it lets other evil spirits in.

  15. prayer helps...

  16. First Try Debunking it for example can you label it to be something besides paranormal? For example a banging could be heard and it might only be a bad pipe or house might be creaking when really it is settling try this approach :

    "*TO Do an E.V.P. Session or recording session 101*

    ----Electronic Voice Phenomena (EVP): An EVP is the attempt to capture a ghost or spirits voice on audio recording tapes. Typically there is no voice heard to the people present at the recording but after playing back the tapes there are sometimes strange voice recordings.

    what we do is explain what a recorder is

    *Please speak loudly into the device with the red dot on it, it helps us hear your voice.*

    - we usually record for like 15 - 20 mins. a session and give about 15- 40 secs in between each question we ask :)

    It takes time for them to reply, their voice isn’t as quick as ours in replying.

    Ask Questions with a digital recorder like :

    1. Is any one here.

    2. Is there any one who would like to make their presence known?

    3. Can you give us a sign your here.

    4. Can you give us a sign your here by making a noise or moving some thing.

    5. What is your age or how old are you?

    6. What year is it or do you know what year it is?

    7. Can we help you?

    8. Do you need help?

    9. Are you lost?

    10. Are you upset we’re here?

    11. Would you like us to leave?

    12. Are you upset the home owners are here.

    13. Is this your home / business?

    14. If you have any thing to say speak loudly into the tape recorder. (Explain what the tape recorder is).

    15. We’re here to try and help you; we’re not here to harm you. Please let us know what we can do.

    you can also bring a 3 mega pixel camera or lower usually the higher the mega pixel drowns out spirit formation and may cause Matrixes *which is what many people Misinterpret certain things in photos to be evidence of paranormal*

    after you do that with the photos and E.V.P.s i have programs where i can analyze them for you :) you can email me privately again for this just attach them....

    this won't prove its paranormal , if you are truely worried about this contact a local ghost group and have them help you and maybe they can answer some of your questions ... :)

    I hope i have helped!

    Ryan ~Paranormal Investigator/Researcher~ ~

  17. You have two choices in these situations.

    Basically you are unhappy with your domain for what ever reason.

    You can stay and figure out what is going on.

    You can move.

    No need to get into the garbage of it all. You stay and deal with it or can't deal with it and go.

  18. Simple: You stop believing in them.  I know this can be difficult to do, but I guarantee if you don't believe in them you won't see any there.  One way to stop believing in them is to investigate what you think is paranormal activity.  I have yet to find one single example of something claimed to be paranormal that didn't have a perfectly natural explanation.

    My answer isn't fun or spooky, but I want you to be informed.  Break the habit of magical thinking or you'll end up in the world of woo-woo.

  19. First of all, respect what you know. Tell your parents. And let them help you. The entity is not one to deal with alone. Know that. Also know that an entity cannot break ties that bind. The stronger you and your family is the weaker they are. If you have not shared this with them...your family.... then do so. Entities count on you not doing just that. Due to their demise. PS; to Raven..yes a quija board is dangerous to anyone. That I know as fact!

  20. You didn't mention the  details you told your teacher so how can anyone tell you what is happening?

    If you are having activity, try to find a scientific answer not an opinion. Set up cameras. Recorders. That is the only true way to find out.

    Be smart. Look for logical reasons. Maybe catch a cat or a person messing around, who knows?

    Now  you don't have to believe me, but I have had extreme paranormal activity in my room.

    It doesn't matter if it is your bedroom, that is just a scapegoat the cynics use. Most of my activity happened in the bedroom because that is where I turn out the lights and still keep my eyes open for awhile and I don't do that in other rooms. It isn't because you are asleep and don't know it. Weird activity seems to happen more when the lights are out and it is quiet and still. Eyes adjust after awhile and everyone doesn't go right off to sleep. It is the perfect place to notice something make a noise or move. Plus yu are in your bedroom for 8 hours a night just laying there. If there was something paranormal in there, you would have a good chance to see or hear it with the time you spend in the bedroom. I don't fall for the talk about sleep paralysis or thinking you are awake but you are dreaming. I have got up out of bed to check things out and what I saw while standing there was definitely paranormal. I know and that is good enough for me.

    I have also had major activity in the living room with the lights on, with other witnesses. That is when I decided to move. That was when I knew there was no excuses, it was for real. When something rises up off the table and you can grab it in mid air, that is not normal and your first thought is to get out, not tell it to go away.

    I never tried to ask it to leave. I didn't like the things that were happening and was done with it, so I moved and all was better after that.

    I believe places are haunted not people. You can form your own belief. Why would I pack up and move if it there was even the slightest chance that it was just nothing or in my head. I don't think so.

  21. It's spelt "Ouija"

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