
How to get rid of rodents?

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There are a few mice in my house. I have tried cleaning the whole house and laid rat glue but it did not help. Does anyone who could have a better idea?




  1. I put out rat poison - the kind that you leave in the box with the top peeled off.  Shortly thereafter, the rat died (you will smell what appears to be a gas leak) and it was properly disposed.  No adverse effect to the environment and one less rat!

  2. rat poison

  3. do away with what attracts available food..water...ect......they will go somewhere else

  4. Compared to rats, mice forage only short distances from their nest -- usually not more than 10-25 feet. When food and shelter are adequate, their foraging range may be only a few feet. For this reason, traps and other control devices must be placed in areas where mouse activity is most apparent. Mice prefer to travel adjacent to walls and other edges-- another critical point to remember when positioning control devices. Mice are very inquisitive and will investigate each new object placed in their foraging territory. If control devices are not initially successful, move them around to a different location.

    The best way to control mice is to prevent their entry. Mice are able to squeeze through extremely small openings narrower than the diameter of a dime. Cracks in the foundation 1/4 inch and larger should be sealed, as should gaps and openings under doors and where utility pipes enter the structure.

    Good sanitation and food storage practices are helpful in reducing problems with house mice. Since seeds are a preferred food, all adjacent to the building should likewise be eliminated. However, because mice are able to occupy such small nesting areas and survive on minute amounts of food, sanitation alone will not normally eliminate an existing infestation.

    Research has shown that snap traps with an expanded trigger catch significantly more mice than conventional designs.

    I used one of this type of trap and it solved my problem with mice:

  5. Poison.  Wafarin is very effective.

  6. Vote them out of office.

  7. traps

  8. get something that eats them like a cat.

    and do not leave and crumbs or food lying around this will invite them in.

  9. A 12 gauge sawed off shotgun works the best.

  10. Exterminator. Give him a ring a ding ding.

  11. Rodents hate the smell of peppermint so find something that smells like peppermint.

  12. mix dry confectioners suger and plaster of paris.

    they eat it and it turns into a rock in there guts.

  13. get a cat there run out of there if she dosent kill them first

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