
How to get rid of sties ???

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It has been two days since I discovered a sty on my eye lid - it is much bigger today and itchy and burning. How do I cure this?




  1. Wash your eye lids with baby shampoo and warm water.

  2. Warm compress as much as possible.

  3. okay, this is a.. how do you call it?? old housewives remedy?

    anyways.. it sounds super gross, but I had one once and my mom told me to do this, and sure enough it went away by the next day.

    okay.. she told me to l**k my finger and gently rub it on there. I guess there is something in your saliva that helps with sties.

    haha i know how weird that must sound, but it cant hurt and i promise you it fixed mine. :-)

  4. I have another 'old' remedy for sties...  warm a metal spoon and place it against the stie.  I'm sure it's the similar to the warm compresses but it can be applied directly to the affected area.  I've done it before and it felt so much better afterwards!!  NOTE:  be sure not to use make up on that eye and if you do, throw away the applicator and/or make up as it can become infected from the stie and reinfect it later or even the other eye!!!

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