
How to get rid of the X-factor in men's brain?

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  1. While men always thinks its their advantage, it is actually one of their biggest weakness and clever women can easily gain a lot from it.

  2. That's why men's are always not moody and grumpy.  

  3. get rid of you mind then you would have no problem with that.

  4. I agree with Her Royal Highness Shim (but it's painful to read) hehe..

  5. If men are not horny, your mum won't give birth to u.. lol

  6. i agree with HRH shim!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. The X factor what makes a man a great person. That is why man suffer less depression and produce more endorphin    

  8. They say the more a man think about s*x, the more hair he grows ... therefore probably we can shaved them botak lah ... but then Ginduras is botak but horny ... could it be he thinks way too much s*x ? Lol ...

  9. oh..whatabout my X-factor in my brain.

    If someone take it out,

    where's the fun?

    Oh, let the X be permanent in their brain.

    Coz the X will work with the G!

    (oppsss...pardon my X-pax -too much rating involved, heh..heh..)

  10. You can do anything you like but just don't touch my man's brain.

  11. you cant, its a virus.. just have to live with it. things that you think is bad may end up good at the end..

  12. Men are born with the function. Your eyes are sharper than Peter Parker's eye - you can 'undress' women with jubah & veil with your mind's eye..hehehe...

  13. all this time, i thought X-Factor is a good thing.. why suddenly X-Factor imply x*x??? why??? why??? why??? oh tidak, tipah tertipu!!!

    PEACE =D

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