
How to get rid of the white bug on my tomatoes?

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they are not aphids , they are round like a tick with black lines on their backs




  1. they are aphids, spray them with soap and water. google aphids to get some ideas.

    What about Colorado potato beetles, CPB occasionally attack tomatoes and eggplants

    here is a link see if the picture looks like it

    if that's what it is here is how to get rid of them:

    I read where someone said they had a goose and it ate every last one and there garden now looks beautiful, not sure if it will work or not. If not here is another solution:

    Novodor™ is probably the best solution, it contains B. thuringiensis ssp.tenebrionis, a form of Bt that is not genetically engineered and can be used by organic producers in most states.  Novodor is available from Peaceful Valley Farm Supply. The targeted insects ingest the bacteria, which then infects and kills them. It will not harm other insects, people, birds, or children.


    If this is your bug, the traditional way is to spray the area all around with  malathion or some other insecticide.  But these are very active critters and you can get rid of them without sprays.  First you should keep you soil clear of weed or other vegetation before planting, the flea bug can feed on other plants while waiting for your yummy tomato plants.  Then when you plant you tomatoes place a sticky barrier around you plants.  either individually or a band around the entire garden.  A 3' strip of cheese cloth with tanglefoot on it works.  Finally if they make it through this barrier you can build a box lined with the impregnated cheesecloth over the plants to collect those survivors.

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