
How to get rid of weeds???

by  |  earlier

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I have this problem of having lots of weeds on our yard. I have spent hours plucking them out because the weed killer I used kills the grass too... I can't use many killers because I have a dog and it's bad for them.




  1. Try the weed be gone pellets. You can find it at your local home improvement store. Hope this helps.

  2. I use a product called Trimac. It doesn't work fast but works real well. Read the directions. It will give you re-entry rules on when it is safe to allow children and pets to be on the treated areas.

    The best defense for weeds is a thick healthy yard. A plush yard will deter the weed seed from growing. A sparse yard (thin) will work the opposite. Weeds have room to push through the grass and take over.

    Think of yourself in a crowd.... it's hard to move around. Similar to weed seed in thick grass. If you're not in a crowd, it's easier to move around... wave your arms, jump up and down.... basically more freedom. Similar with weeds. give them room to grow and they will. I think you get the picture....

    If you use a liquid product to rid your yard of weeds.... READ  READ  READ the ENTIRE label directions. Much of it won't make sense but some will. Any chemical application needs to be treated with caution because they can have adverse affects on your yard and you if not used as directed.

    Hope this helps....

  3. The answer is not going to be one you like. First off you have to dig out all the weeds including their roots. Even a bit of root or leaf will cause the weeds to regrow. Then go to your garden store or a place

    where you buy feed for animals and ask for cornmeal gluten.This is a natural product and usually comes in sacks of 50 lbs. Spread this on

    your lawn. It will not kill your weeds but it stops weeds from seeding and growing again. (that is why you have to get rid of the old weeds first) it also acts as natural fertilizer for your lawn. It is totally safe for kids,birds and animals. You put in on in the spring and the fall. I have used this for the past three years and I am the only person on my block that has NO dandelions, crabgrass etc on my lawn. It works


  4. then change the soil to the weed resistant soil

  5. Cornmeal Gluten?  Yeah right!  

    Most weeds are annual weeds and are simply allowed to complete there cycyle on your lawn, the surrounding property line, and in your landscape beds.  If the weeds were simply "cut" with a weedwhacker once per month, they weeds would NEVER achieve reproduction, resulting in yea-r-after-year weed problems.  So, start by managing the surrounding 'sources' of weeds (including your neighbors 'thigh-high' bumper crop of oat grass!).    Then, apply a pre-emergent herbicide throughout the yard, atop landscape beds, lawns, and bare soil.  Water in well with spinkler systems and "hose-end" portable spinklers-avoiding any overwytering and "run-off".

    If done properly, you won't have weeds for 4-6 months!!!!  Do this 2-3 times in a year and have a darn clean yard for awhile.

    Pest Control Business is what you want if you go this route.  Otherwise, go organic and keep cutting, trimming, and managing your weed problem- you'll eventually catch up.  Good Luck

  6. you can use weed be gone. it generally does not kill grass, but you need to read the instructions regarding what types of grass are immune

    to it. Do not use roundup or anything similar to it. It kill all.

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