
How to get rid of weevils?

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I just moved into a different apartment and in the past week I have noticed weevils in the cereal, this has not happened before, how can I get rid of them?




  1. Add marigold + Red pepper,+Melia or Neem +phytolacca +Tomato leaves +Onions or Garlic. Also try to add a few spoons of paraffin,sprinkle wood ash.


    cut & pound the ingredients.

    add water & cover.

    leave the soak for 3 days,

    boil in water for 20 mins.

    dilute each mug with 1 mug of soap water, use brown soap

    apply where there are pests ; on leaves , stalks and around the base of crops.

  2. Those things are a huge pain to get rid of. The only thing you can really do is to throw out everything they could have possibly infested in, anything that wasn't sealed up. After that try lining your shelves in the pantry with bay leaves. We had to throw out just about everything in the cabinets to get rid of ours. We started keeping all flour and sugar in glass jars since then because they can't get into them. Good luck! :)

  3. Hello.Unfortunately you will need to buy biological pest control. It is just for vine weevils! Or they sell (it is not  bio.) it is like a poison vine weevils killer. They sell it in most of a good garden centres. This is the time to doo it.  By August the larvae feest on roots below ground untill winter, when they dig in deep below the frosty soil. So you would act now or very soon, unless you will have all the larvae will hatch in the spring!

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