
How to get salt out of beach water?

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this is a school project , and need 5 sentences on how to remove salt from beach water




  1. Two words- "distill it"

    Seriously- salt is heavier then water, so if you boil it, collect the condensation you will have drinkable water.

    There are many methods to collecting drinkable water from salt water.  Dig a hole in the sand, place a pan of sea water into the bottom of the hole, then place a deeper container into the center of the pan, now cover the whole thing with black plastic, and set a small weighted object into the center of the plastic, the condensation will collect on the plastic under neither and drip down into the pan.

    Good luck.

  2. Get a bucket of beach water.  Put the beach water into a pot.  Put the pot on a stove and boil the water.  Wait until all the water evaporates.  Scrape the salt from the pot.

  3. Get a large pan with raised sides, and fill it with sea water. Fashion a cover  from some flashing material. Apply heat to the pan. Let the evaporated water which is collected on the lid flow into another vessel.

  4. Check out this site!

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