
How to get serve to go down?

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My serve is soooooooo powerful! It hits the wall on the opposite side of the gym! But how do i get it to go down? I have to hit the ball so lightly so it won't go out. I want to serve powerfully but i also want my serve to go in. Anyone have any tips for a consistent, in-the-court yet powerful serve?




  1. Top spin!!

  2. when u practice, try to hit the ball as low as u can, so it bounces, u hav epower so it will boucne high just practice that and u will get better

  3. I would try to throw the ball higher so you hit the bottom of it. This would put some downward spin on it. Also, you try a jump serve. Usually those serves go down.

  4. volleyball.? if so then you have to keep your elbow up and straight and follow all the way through with the serve.

  5. snap your wrist.  If you can, try jump serving.  it puts a lot of top spin on the ball

  6. try snapping your wrist when you serve. it will angle the way the ball goes. or maybe if it is that powerful and you're talented enough you could get someone how to teach you to jump serve.

  7. try starting your serve from farther back

    my friend has the same problem. she has wayy too much power and can't control it sometimes. so she usually starts like 3 feet behind the lines and then serves it deep.

    or you could always try a different serve. your float serve might not need that much power, but for a jump serve it could be the perfect amount of power

  8. Let tha ball drop down more before your hitting it!! ur prolly hitting it to high!!!

  9. i have the same prob as you!!! i've been trying to work on a topspin, but it's tough to get it perfect EVERY TIME. someone get an answer to this question.

  10. hole the racket upp in the middle

    this is called choking

    use it that way untill ewe find your grip

    this is callled PRACTICE

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