
How to get smaller butt?

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I want to make my butt a lot smaller, what excercises should i do and how long will the results take? I'm going to join a gym early september but please tell me some excercises i can do at home. Thanks.




  1. If you want to tone up you butt and thighs and look great then here is ana wesome article that will help you out...

    Good Luck!


  2. You can't spot reduce, if you can drop the level of your body fat some of that will come off your bum.

    A cautious note though: I think my bum is big.  That's in part because I'm wide across the hips.  But, I actually get a lot of compliments on my bum, and if it were smaller my legs (which I'll admit are in great shape) would look odd.  So just remember there are some parts of our body, that even using mirrors we'll never get to see in quite the same perspective as others see them.

  3. if your trying to "tone" and you have a lot of fat there, it's just like your abs, the only way is to get rid of the fat and strengthen the muscle.

    Up the cardio (do something you like doing, walking the dog, biking, rollerblading, wii fit, gym, treadmill, rower, cycling class, yoga) just get active as much as you can and be consistent,

    Eat healthy! less eating out and cook more (and add veggies fruits whole grains, fiber ) less soda (i prefer no soda) less sugar and caffine

    the the exercises

    Squats are great and you can do with or without weights, lunges are your best friend for glutes and thighs and deadlifts work the entire body.

    also if you belong to a gym and they have those stairstepper machines (especially the ones with the ACTUAL stairs) start using those (great for that area) start light and work your way up.

    also use the stairs instead of the elevator.

    good luck!

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