
How to get some ab's (pic)?

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I'm not fat i just want to get my abs to show(iI'ma girl)

not like aallotjust so you can see the lines.

more tone i gess

some work outs?

or foods? THANKS






  1. I do basic crunches and obliques on a swiss ball. They're quite hard but really good. It's important that you keep the ball still when you do them as so many people roll the ball underneath them which, I think, makes the crunches easier which surely is pointless!! You want to get the ball in the position of the woman in this picture: You also want to do something for your back otherwise you'll get back ache if you get stronger tummy muscles than your back - perhaps also using a swiss ball like the back exercise on this page Overall I greatly recommend swiss balls! Planks are also brilliant for your abs, back, etc.

    What I did was three sets of each exercise in rotation, so I didn't do my three sets in a row. It makes it less boring and less painful, but you're still doing enough of each. Obviously once you find them too easy, you can increase the number of sets, slow down the speed at which you do each crunch or whatever, or even hold onto a pair of weights.

    Hope this helps - it worked for me :)

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