
How to get some attention from Husband?

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coz he's always coming home late n drunk!

i just want my family to happy..




  1. if he's always coming home late and drunk then you need to forget this idiot..he has nothing better to do in life...

  2. i had this problem with my bf,had a talk with him - was still the same,started to pack my bags - talked AGAIN and i have  

    a totally different man .he needs to no your not taking this and its serious tell him if he doesnt sort this out your leaving

  3. Sit him down and talk to him. Say look buddy lately you have been doing such and such and its not creating a happy home for us.  What is it? What's going on because I need to know? Is it something that we both can work at? Explain to him your frustration and how its affecting the family.

    You're a family and he needs to grow up and handle this situation a little different. I would recommend a marriage counselor if the issue isn't solved.  

  4. Leave a large pair of underpants under his pillow or put a lock on the bedroom door

  5. He's trying to escape from something. Find out what.

  6. that is not good, it sounds like he has a big problem get him some help if he is coming home drunk he don,t even see you he can,t give you attention, becouse its all going to him.

  7. Call him at work while using a vibrator and tell him about it. Better still, find a man and call your husband while riding him.

  8. tell him that you need some attention.

    some men are thick as two short planks and don't realise what they are doing.

    at least if he knows then you have some sort of chance.

    if he still keeps doing it then you have a bigger problem

  9. unfortunately you need to make sure that he wants the "happy family" as well, maybe hes going through some things, maybe hes trying to escape his responsibilities, there are alot of maybe's that could be happening you need to talk to him....

    But if all is good on the homefront, still up some attraction around the house, plan  a nice dinner, put on something s**y

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