
How to get some excitement into our relationship? Long distance.

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I would like some advice about how to make our relationship more exciting.

I have been best friends with this man for years and we grew up together and we have started dating. We live about 3 hours away from each other and we can only see each other a few times a month due to work and family commitments.

We spend about 3 hours on the phone everyday and the times we do see each other is really exciting but in between... We do not have s*x for religious reasons but are physically intimate.

the relationship is feeling more like friends than lovers and I don't want us both to get 'bored'. how can we spice things up?




  1. Even a relationship that is right there gets boring.  Try speaking to him about your intimate desires.  Set the groundwork for when you can consummate your relationship.  He sounds like a very special person who is actually willing to wait because of his beliefs.  Although telling you to have phone s*x may actually not go along with his beliefs either.  Lusting is the same as actually having s*x in the eyes of some religions.

    Surprise him with a special visit now and then. Send little memento's through the mail that he doesn't expect, maybe a picture of you doing something and framing it.  

    Email cards are free send him many of them.  

    Constantly reinforce how much you care for him.  

    Long distance relationships can make it they just take lots of work.  A long distance relationship to me is  an affair of the heart, meaning that you are learning everything about the man you are about to embark a new life with.

    I wish you much luck...Be creative, send promise cards, promise him a backrub, special dinner,kiss, make coupons for the promises, he will see them and get a chuckle out of them.  And who knows he may take you up on  a few and start making some of his own.

  2. Use webcams...make videos and send them to each other...

  3. 'Spice' is more an attitude than a happening

    Just work at what you have.

  4. a web cam maybe

  5. you could send each other letters and presents in the post

  6. just have s*x trust me nothing gets more exciting than that. keep it a secret if you dont want anyone to know.

  7. Introduce some phone s*x. s*x talking on the phone that should spice things up a bit for both of you.

  8. buy a web cam

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