
How to get some sleep fast?

by  |  earlier

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I bought melatonin sometimes i take two but that doesn't make me feel drowsy, its 3mg. I tried a glass of sleepy time tea and that doesn't work. Please help.




  1. I find relaxation prior to bed to be most helpful. Often, a cooler room can be more comfortable than a warmer one. Lavender scent is supposed to be soothing. Also, light reading (like a magazine, not a book) can be good. (Not a book because I always get too "into" the book and don't want to stop reading).

    Generally, sleep issues come from being unable to "disconnect your brain," where your body feels exhausted but your mind just keeps whirring away. This is when I would start reading. I've heard of people who write down all their concerns and then put the paper somewhere to think about in the morning, but I've never tried that. Sometimes, you just have to get up and take care of what's bothering you.

    If it keeps up for too long, so your lethargy is interfering with your life, consult a doctor.

    Good luck, and sweet dreams.

  2. Get a script for Ambien

  3. dont take sleeping pills its bad for u

    i suggest,

    do somehting rly tiring

    and go to sleep

    or something rly boring before going to bed.

    warm milk?? and sleepy tea makes me wake up lol

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