
How to get someone to quit chewing tobacco?

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Any recommendation on how to get someone to quit chewing tobacco? Is it as difficult as quiting cigarette smoking? Are there the same side effects when they quit?




  1. are they chewin or dippin? Chewin is easy but if they dip then it is just as hard as cigarettes. Best get the nic gum

  2. Ok, this'll be a bit tricky.. But it will work.. If not, then this person is just completely f*cked.

    Find some pictures on the internet of people that have had their mouths, lips, throats, teeth, gums.. Ravaged after years of dipping. You know the really gross pictures.

    Go down to kinkos and make huge colour copies.. poster size.. of the pictures.

    Take the posters and pin them up everywhere in their house when they're out running errands.

    When they get home they will be shocked.. And you know when you look at those pictures that grossness never leaves your mind.  

  3. I think you should add something to that person's tobacco that taste horrible so that they associate that taste with it and don't chew it anymore. I don't believe it is as difficult as quitting smoking, and the only side effects would be withdrawl, but that is so much better than mouth cancer.

  4. punch them in the face and say "stop chewing tobacco fool!"

  5. Use nicorette or some type of nicotine gum. Chewing gum provides a much similar feeling and allows for users to slowly phase out dependency on nicotine. I found smokeless tobacco harder to quit than cigarettes, but it varies with anyone. Just think about how much money you will be saving when you quit.

    Good luck, hope this helps

  6. You  can't get them to quit, they have to be the one to want to.    It's a habit like smoking drinking.. and like any other bad habit the person with the habit has to be the one to want to stop.  I knew someone who smoked cigars,  and pipe plus  drank and chewed tobacco.   Do to health reasons he stopped drinking and smoking.  But not the chewing.  It was a very nasty habit.  Since it's a chewing habit.  Try telling him to chew gum instead.

  7. If you want to quit...maybe you should try chewing gum.

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