
How to get something stuck out of camera...?

by  |  earlier

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alright well a day ago, i had my a/v cables connected to my camera to the tv. so i left it there and i accidently stepped on it. So now the top part of the a/v, the part that connects to my camera is gone. I've tried everything from prying it out to something using a potato (dont ask). If anyone can help me with this, i would be thankful.

This is what's gone

This is what's left...




  1. a very strong magnet.

  2. See the tip of the piece that broke off? That is being held in place by a spring-loaded clip - that's how it stays in the camcorder when it is in use. The spring-loaded clip is doing its job. Chances are pretty good the only way to get that piece out is to open the camera - and you could do more damage, so that is not recommended.

    If you stuffed a potato in there thinking it would push the piece into the potato so you could extract it, you probably just pushed that broken piece in further.

    It is possible that the broken piece is no longer lodged in the spring loaded clip but may now be dislodged and possibly rattling around inside that area (if you shake the camcorder, does it now rattle?). I strongly suggest that you NOT turn on the camcorder as it is possible you could short something else further damaging the camera.

    Removal of that broken piece should be done by a qualified, experienced, repair person.

  3. Here's a suggested method:

    but be very careful using the epoxy - it might make things worst.

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