
How to get started running?

by  |  earlier

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I want to get started running just to keep in shape for horseback riding and stuff but how do I get started so I don't look like a complete r****d running around my nieghborhood?




  1. i find that running at the closest school track works best for me. i always know how far i go, and i run farther because i see other people doing it too :] bring and ipod or mp3 player to keep you from getting bored, and enjoy :] hope i helped and good luck!

  2. start off slow with jogging until your muscles start toning themselves.. then begin to go faster if u like and it should begin to feel easier and easier if u do it 3-4 times a week and eat healthy.. i'm guessing u r in decent shape so u should see results within 1-2 weeks as long as u do long runs if u jog and change it up as well... jog/jog/run fast for 15-30 seconds/jog/jog/etc... that tones u and keeps u in shape pretty well.. also makes your endurance jump up.. do jog days and sprint days.. u will be faster and stronger

  3. check out the chart on this page..i LOVE it

    good luck!

  4. get a treadmill and start running on that or if you want gaet a hoodie and run with that.  start slow and go longer as you get used to it

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