
How to get started with braces?

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I'm a college student who just recently got dental insurance, and I need braces. What steps would I have to go through to get them. Should I contact the orthodontist first, or go to a random dentist or what?

Thanks in advance!




  1. Talk to people you know & who's opinion you trust to decide on an orthodontist.  Then check with your insurance to see if you can get the cost covered.  Then call the orthodontist & schedule a consultation.  Good luck!  

  2. Okay. If your dentist has told you you need braces already and has asked you too see a orthodontist then yes, go ahead and schedule a orthodontist appointment for your first time. If not go to the dentist because some things might have changed or you might have to get a tooth pulled.  The only really steps there are is you get an appointment for the orthodontist where they x-ray your teeth see what they need to do. if you have a bite of some sort they will give you a retainer but i cannot specify what kind because everyone is different. : ) then you have some check up appointments where they just check up on you.  then they give you braces.

    good luck!

  3. well if you KNOW you need

    braces go to the orthontist.

    find a good one because i kept

    going to one and she wanted me

    to keep coming for 6 months before i got

    them then i went to another and got them

    the first visit. but they'll clean your teeth

    take xrays or whatever and then real

    pictures then take impressions of your

    teeth and then put your braces on! (:

    good luck!

  4. Dont go to a random dentist because they cant give you braces anyways, only orthodontist can, so you need to contact an orthodontist and I would do that soon because braces take awhile to get after going through all the retainers and things,

  5. You should go to the orthodontist first so that they can tell you what you need.  they wont put them on that day  

  6. usually your regular dentist can recommend someone

    or sometimes they have in office orthodontists

    but definetly go to your dentist

    if you dont have a dentist then ask a friend to recomend one

    and then call the number of the orthodontist and make a consultation appt. answer a question of mine;...;...;...;...;...;...

  7. I have braces so i am experienced,

    1. go to orthodontisted.

    2. check to see if you need braces and were on what teeth.

    3. listin to them

    and it should work out fine,

  8. Well first i would go to the denitst and see if you have any cavities that need to be fixed, and then i would go to the orthodontist :)

  9. That depends on your insurance. So first check with your insurance to see if you need to be referred to an orthodontist by a regular dentist first. If yes, you will need to find a good dentist in your area, ask your friends and family for a good one. If you don't need a referral, then again, ask around to friends and family to find a good orthodontist. Good Luck

  10. Generally you would see your dentist first. He will check your teeth, clean them, make sure none will need pulling, fill any holes, etc. That way when you see the orthodontist everything is ready to go!

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