
How to get stronger thiner abs/obliques?

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How can I get stronger and thinner abs and obliques? What are some good exercises (without any equipment or lots of time)?




  1. You can do interval cardio training to help you shed unwanted excess weight. This really revvs up the metabolism also, so definitely do not forget cardio. Also eat sensibly, do not eat excessive fats and calories. Go green and healthy, eat lots of proteins

    Oblique crunches are enough to help the obliques. But you can also do standing "boxing" movements from side to side as much as you safely can, to help build this area. This also helps shrink your waistline.

    50 regular crunches and 50 leg raises and then 50 obliques on each side daily are good enough.

    Pair the diet + exercise+ crunches and your set!

  2. run, run, run, and do lots of crunches and situps!

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