
How to get the Congress to wake up and do something about the illegal aliens' draining the U.S high and dry?

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what can we do as citizens/legal aliens so that the politicians start to hear what WE SAY and work for what WE NEED as LAW ABIDING PEOPLE instead of catering and cuddling to BULLYING ILLEGALS




  1. EVERY  politician u see in congress ( the senate and house of representatives ) are the result of people who voted for their ideas , this is what we call Democracy .

    what can u do ???

    vote for those who agree with ur views and if u do not see much or what u want being done accept than u are not part of the majority .

    of course u could always keep telling them ur ideas even if they were not voted in because of ur ideas since anyways at the end they all know they get the job with votes not with phone calls or anything like it .

    u can always try Cuba or any other country in which there is not Democracy


  2. Our only chance is if some senators kid gets his brains blown out by some criminal invader. Then we would see action. Your life or mine (or the lives of the 10,000 people killed in the US every year) doesn't matter more than big business making money! Congress has been sold to big business.

  3. I'd like to see a little data backing up your beliefs, because right now all I see is an uninformed opinion.

    Illegal foreign workers do jobs that many americans think they're "too good" to do, and they do it at a cheaper price than it would cost to pay an american to do it. For example, slaughtering meat. I don't think providing cheap labor is much of a drain?

  4. Sorry, I don't see it happening. Neither Republicans nor Democrats are going to listen to you on that issue.

    We have a deeply entrenched two party system that constantly has close elections .Both parties are looking for a demographic to give them a few extra points to win the elections

    The Democrats used to have the Unions, but allowed them to wither and die out. The Republicans have cultural Conservatives, but are distancing themselves to avoid alienating the mainstream. To get the winning edge both sides need Hispanic voters.

    For some reason, American politicians are incapable of viewing non-white people as being anything other than monolithic. So they all assume, that all Hispanics regardless if they are native citizens, or naturalized, educated, or disadvantaged, Catholic or Protestant, rich or poor, are all in favor of continued unrestrained immigration.

    Both Republican and Democrats will hedge and stall on illegal immigration because of fear being labeled racist, and thus alienating the key Latino demographic. I believe this an unfounded fear, but no one is asking me.

    So things will just chug along, both parties promising to preserve the middle class, without actually defining what the middle class is, much less doing anything.

    Ever notice how almost all American People are middle class, Lawyer and Doctors are middle class, just as Jaintors and Fry Cooks are middle class. Never mind, who owns their own home and who rents or who drives the porshe.

    Form a third party,,, if that is even possible in this country.

    Address social class issues, if you can get anyone to admit they are anything other than "middle class".

    Or just learn Spanish,accept the end of a decent wages for the 'working class", and send your kids to private school.( if you can afford it.)

    After all everything changes, everything ends. An English speaking ,egalitarian America had to end sooner or later.

  5. yea it is a democracy which should include the people who were born here or came here legally if u came here illegally u should have no right and no say in OUR government get out of here and come back legally

  6. First do something about the war in Iraq that is DRAINING THE USA UP TO THE END

    More than 1,200 million are spent per month in this war.

    Do that in the first place

    According to what I have seen , it is people here that bully the illegals. Don't you read the news ?

    Hey, docar, suppose the senators get their brains blown by some LEGALS ( those of 911 were all LEGALS,you know ), or some citizens ?

    I assume you will say that then, those are not criminals

  7. Mass protests aimed at forcing the government to immediately begin law enforcement.

    I would like to see this applied not just on illegal southern immigrants... but on the muslim immigrants we have here as well...more than 8.5 million muslims in this country and growing.  As the population of islamists rises.. the violence begins.  And unfortunately, the system we have set up for AMERICANS to use for health care for the indigent is being used by people who are not Americans.   We need to force congress somehow to pass legislation aimed at changing the constitution one las time that our language must be english and ONLY American born citizens may use our system set up for the indigent.  Anyone else must be deported who uses it fraudulently.

    I agree with you we must do something and it must be loud, massive and soon.

    We must demand to get out of the UN which is where Obama is claiming he is going to force us all to pay a HUGE global tax and all that money iis going to be given to Africaa which has never changed for the better in millions of years and yet he wants America , which he said is great, to change.  I think the change he wants is for the worse.  He wants us to continue to pay the Saudis incredible fees for oil.. he wants us to give all our money to Africaa...  he wants to disarm America , and he keeps announcing he will always stand for islam.... even though Islam still owns slaves.  I remind anyone reading this that Obama spent twenty years in a fake christian church which espoused racism globally , murder of jews and whites, and embraces the view that islam( islam espouses the annihilation of all jews forever from this planet.)   is great.

  8. an idea. The ones who don't do things by the laws and go thro the proper channels. Like very one else Won't it be nice that they live with all the congress workers.

  9. Wah wah wah.

    Quit whining and get off your butt and work.  Stop blaming all your problems on illegal immigrants who are picking tomatoes for five bucks an hour.  They can't hurt you.  In fact, our economy benefits from the cheap labor they provide.

  10. WHOOOO!

    i agree with you 100%.

    we do need to do something, there are tons of LEGAL citizens here living on the streets, barely eating just one meal a day.  we need to worry about our OWN PEOPLE in our OWN COUNTRY before we worry about others.

  11. You can vote!

    But, it is not going to happen!

    They are in fear of the Mexican vote.

  12. Exactly!  It's sickening that our taxes cover illegal alien's health insurance, lawyer bills, housing, care, subsidiaries, everything.  We can't even take care of our homeless and families that don't have health insurance.  What about the working class that can't pay for the heat this winter?  

    Bush, d**k, Colin.  That says enough about the bodies we have representing our interest.

    The laws need to be enforced so employers aren't hiring aliens, they aren't receiving any benefits,  no food stamps, helping hands, whatever.   They need to be reported and deported.

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