
How to get the best deal out of used-car dealerships for Camry, Accord or Altima?

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I am debating whether to buy Altima, Camry or Accord, all 2005 but more importantly how to get the best deal from used-car dealerships. Give me some tips and some useful questions to ask and how to find defects in cars to insult the salesguy and pressuring him to reduce the price.




  1. There  is NO way to get a best deal out of used-car dealership.

    MSNBC had a news story on where is the best places to buy used cars. The used car dealers were on the BOTTOM of the list. They are pros at negotiations (and you and I are rank amateurs), they are pros at hiding problems on their cars, etc.

    The private sales (newspaper, etc.) were the best places. The seller will not tell you all the problems, but they don't know how to hide them.

    And a private seller are at MOST they are equal in negotiation skills to you and me.

    Good Luck...

  2. I've sold cars for years and used cars are a gold mine. just becasue dealers either get them from the auction or  a

    trade-in so they paid a lot less then what they are asking for. a good place to start is take the sticker price and minus $4000 you will most likely end up 2000 -2500 below the price on the window

    questions to ask

    1.where did u get this car from? auction or trade in (they pay less at the auction)

    2. how long have u had this car? when dealers have cars for 2 long (usually 90 days) they send it to the auction or a sister store to sell the car

    3.DONT tell them about your trade in. until the end - they will ask if you have 1 wait until the last minute to show your trade (dealers like to play with numbers and may hide money in your trade)

    4. when looking at the car look at door alignments and underthe hood look at the screws (if doors are not straight or screws are diffrent color then the car it may have been in a accident) also look at the headlights or tail lights if 1 looks old and 1 looks new that is another way to tell about an accident.

    5. ask for a carfax- rental cars are not good to by - think about what u do in a rental car

    6. ask for the RO sheet ro is repair order this will show you everything the dealer did to the car to fix it up (sometimes it even has how much it cost them)

    7. when working a deal and you settle on a price  if they will let you leave the dealership without a hassel then that is the rock bottom price -give or take a few dollars

    8.make sure your trade is clean the better it looks the more moey you can get for it

    9.know what your car is worth  and know what your willing to accept for your car

    10. when they appraise your car they wont give you back your keys because they want you to stay at the dealership

    11. if you can arrange financing that would be best the dealership financing cost more (if the bank says your approved for 8% the dealership can show you 10% and its all legal)

    with this knowledge you should be able to get a good deal

  3. I have met this sort of situation before,here is the resource I found helpful.

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