
How to get the word about a reputable charity event besides friends, family, coworkers, paper?

by Guest67306  |  earlier

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I'm a brand new dad to a wonderful baby girl that has been diagnosed w/ Cystic Fibrosis. She has been in the hostpital since she was born. She has had 2 major surgerys, but is doing well now and hopefully coming home soon. This is a reputable foundation ( and I have no contact w/ any of the money. I am just doing what I can to raise money to help find a cure. I just want to do everything I can to make that happen. Any suggestions and or help on how to get as many donations as possible would be very appreciated. Thanks again and God Bless!




  1. If there is a specific event happening in the near future, many local cable providers have a free channel for local events for charity.

  2. -- Put a line in your signature for all of your emails directing people to the CF web site

    -- Link to the CF profile on any of your online social networking profiles (like MySpace, FaceBook,, etc.) and encourage your friends to do the same on their own profiles.

    -- Post about CF to your online blog/bulletin/update on any of your online social networking profiles; all of your linked friends will see these updates and be reminded to act

    -- See if there is a person who can speak about CF as an expert, who would be willing to address Rotary Clubs, Lion's Club, Kiwanis, Knights of Columbus, Elks, and other service clubs, and then liaison with these clubs to help make this happen

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