
How to get them in troble(parents only?

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My 7yr old son is very bad behavied. He laught when he get in troble. We tryed every thing like sending to room, takeing toys away. We do not belive in spanking. Nothing seems to work. There is nothing new in his life so i cant understand why he is acting up and he acts out in school. Are babysitter will not watch him due to his behavor. Please help.




  1. Maybe his diet?  Maybe not enough sleep?  Not enough attention?  Take him to his pediatrician.  He can be evaluated by a professional.

  2. You don't believe in spanking. That is why he acts up. You should've started spanking him when he was 3 to teach him there are consequences for his actions.

  3. Well idk since you dont believe in spanking but doesnt this send off a message maybe a spanking doesnt hurt once in a while but this is what u should do take every thing away and when i say everything i mean EVERTHING that means ALL TV Deserts toys fun anything he is on punishment no outside no nothing just school work and in his room for the rest of the day you should keep it this way until he desides to behave his self  that should work

  4. Beat his A$$. I'm a spanker my son loves me the most. But at 7 it's a bit too late. Now you may think that nothing new is going on in his life, but unless he's home schooled he's got a whole other world he's going to daily. Plus watching his friends and what they get away with especially when he's playing video games at their houses. The best thing is to get him involved in sports and all. But ya'll have to be equally involved.

  5. You have a serious disapline problem on your hands. He obviously believes he is the boss. I have half a dozen kids too. I am not the strictest mom but, I do believe in spanking. I usually only have to do it for the worst offenses too. About 2x a year for doing something I just cannot ignore. The best thing for you to do is be very consistent. Do not threaten something and not follow through. Sorry, but it sounds as if that's what you have been doing. I have babysat several kids over the years no one else will take for the same reasons you are stating. A couple of weeks of being constantly on top of them usually helps. After they are sure you are the boss you can relax a little. If you are worried you are being unfair to the other kids by spanking one and not the other don't. Obviously they are not being the huge pain in the butt this one is. If they deserve corporal punishment then they aren't learning by example. I am NOT saying spank all the time. Save it for when he does something really bad. I have also found that my kids will do just about anything to avoid standing in the corner. My mom is in the Air Force and required that we put our nose in the corner, stand straight, and clasp our hands behind our back at attention. It's a very tiring position without any side effects. Usually takes about ten minutes for them to get the idea that whatever they did is not to be repeated. Make sure you don't leave him to it though. He will be out of the corner in a flash considering what you said about him. Get a chair and sit right behind him. Don't let him talk either. That is part of the punishment. I can pretty much tell you for sure he won't want to repeat it any time soon! Hope that helps. P.S. Kids will love you all the more for displining them. Parents who don't disipline are not respected by their children. Abuse is very different than disipline. You know where the line is. Use your best judgement and don't be afraid to ask the advice of a professional if you aren't sure.

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