
How to get this hair style???

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size of curling iron.. products to use ect..

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  1. a two inch curling iron, and any heavy duty hair spray.

  2. Thats about a 2 inch curling iron... Not heavy dute hairspy cause that will weight it down. Keep in mind she more that likely has extensions in there... & somebody does it for her.

  3. any shampoo is good, then take your air and split it down the middle while wet, dry it out, THEN flip it to the side, and do you bangs with a straightener, and the top of your head, so that its smooth. then use some curling spray JUST A LITTLE though, or it will smell and look fake and crusty, then use a 2" curling iron on each curl for abouttt..30 seconds, depending on yur hair. then use a shine serum, run it through them, and voila, volumous, perfect curls just like hers =]

  4. curl it DUH!  

  5. I saw this ad on tv. It makes your hair exactly like that. Even better sometimes depends on your hair.. If your hair gets all ruff it would not look as good but if your hair are soft and silky it would look sexc =P  

    Put some eggs in ur hair first (i know its gross but i saw it on tv and this girl put it and her hair was soo silky) a

  6. don't know

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