
How to get this thing outta my eye?

by  |  earlier

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i know it can't scratch my eye or do any harm to it because it's like the stringy mucus it produces itself, but it's made my vision blurry for the past half hour. I don't think it is major enough to go to the doctor, but what to do to get it out?

Eye drops didn't work.




  1. Dab with a tissue, wash eye area carefully with warm water... keep rinsing eyes for a minute or two, if it does not clear in the next hour or so, see a Dr or at least ask a pharmacist!  Good luck!

  2. open your eye completely with your fingers carefully and take what ever is in it out.

  3. Sounds alot like pink eye.

  4. do a thorough eye bath / rinse with a saline solution .

  5. i think you have pink eye. it's infectious, so you might want to go.

  6. My mother gets something similar to this.  You need to actually get it out.  She uses a q-tip and gently swabs the area with a saline solution.  It works great!  It doesn't hurt your eye either!!!!  


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