
How to get through my volleyball practice with out getting sick?

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I started volleyball practice today and we were having two a days and i didn't bring a water bottle or ate this morning and i over heated and about blacked out. I want to get through a normal practice tomorrow with out over working myself and feeling sick. She practices us hard so i want to know what i can do to keep my self from getting sick at practice tomorrow.





  2. well number one is to make sure to bring a waterbottle... drink plenty of water before practice too so you won't get dehydrated as quickly..

    also drink during and after practice even if you don't feel thirsty... if you are thirsty you are already dehydrated!!!

    eat protein for breakfast like a bagel with peanut butter

    and bring healthy snacks like a banana or a pickle for nutrients..

    if you feel like you are about to blackout again tell your coach

    im sure she doesn't want you to put yourself in danger

    good luck tomorrow and get some sleep!!!!!

  3. drink lots of water a couple hours before practice.  also, next year you might want to consider starting to work out on your before the season starts so that you can stay in good shape so that when it comes time for the season, your in great shape and it isn't so tough.

  4. eat breakfast.

    drinks lots of water.

    you should tell your coach if you feel dizzy or overheated.

    if you think that's hard, try sprinting a whole 2 an a half hour basketball prcatice.

    we have 3 hour volleyball practices also.

  5. drink lots of water "tonight".  This gives time for the water to go through your body.  Drink lots of water "tomorrow".  This keeps your muscles from being deprived of water.  

    And for God's sake, eat.  Food is a source of energy and you are not getting any in storage for the practice.  

    All I can say is that you are the one that is making yourself sick by not drinking and eating.  Coach's hard practice has little to do with it.

  6. LOTS OF WATER and EAT!!!

    dont eat junk before practice and eat atleast a couple hours before volleyball practice that way it is all digested.

    bring more than one bottle of water to preactice...

    I always drink at least one bottle for every break but I dont end up with a full bladder becuase I use it. You may also have felt alot of thick saliva (not to be gross) in your mouth. that means you need water.

  7. UGH!   Your body needs food and water - how do you expect a car to run without fuel and water?????   Eat a good breakfast - not a BIG breakfast - protein and fruit.   Hydrate yourself at every given opportunity!!!!

    Good luck tomorrow...

  8. get breakfast!!!! u'll have energy and bring a water botter. u must keep hydrated while playing sports!

    u blacked out and overheated because u were dizzy and weak from not eating breakfast and u didnt drink any water


  10. bad bad bad!!! thats a terrible thing that happened to you!

    eat right amount of breakfast. make sure that you dont eat like alot cause you'll get cramps. Eat about an hour before you go. I personally only drink like a energy drink before I go, but you should eat like very small amount. Make sure you bring water there. I suggest bring 2 bottles of water. Freeze them slightly in the morning so that the water cooling process will be like slower. Make sure you stretch alot before you go, although youll prob stretch there too. Stretching will prevent you from minor injuries

  11. -It actually all starts the night before practice.  Make sure you eat a lot of carbohydrates (pasta, etc.) and protein (chicken, turkey, peanut butter, etc.) And drink a lot of water that night too!

         -In the morning, have lots of protein and carbs again (eggs, toast w/ peanut butter, etc.) drink water or juice at breakfast.

         -During practice try Gatorade.  It's a true lifesaver.  If you aren't allowed to bring it in the gym, make sure you bring water!!! Also, there is electrolyte powder you can buy and put in your drink that will replenish you.  

         -In between sessions make sure you eat PLENTY and drink PLENTY!!!! This is really important.

         -Trust me on this one.  My family has played tons of volleyball, and this is the recipe for endurance!!! Good Luck at practice.

    Oh, P.S.- When you're playing, regulate your breathing and make sure you're breaths are long and deep.  This will help with the blacking out! Good Luck..

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