
How to get through the next 6 months?

by Guest62833  |  earlier

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I feel like my life is on hold.

My bf and I decided to move in together in about 6 months when he's done school and winter is over. We live in different cities and I'll be moving to where he lives.

In the meantime though, I feel like my life is on hold and I'm waiting for that moment to come.

I'm in a good position to make the switch anytime, but I feel like the next 6 months are like a warp zone. I can't really switch jobs for 6 months if I'm leaving anyway and I can't move or sign a new lease, and I feel a little stuck. It's not so much that I'm not pleased with my life as it is, but I do feel it's going to be a hard winter for me living alone again and I'm looking forward to living with my bf. I'm so anxious that the next several months seem like an endless waiting room.

How can I get through this to enjoy the next 6 months before I make this big change?




  1. Do you even WANT to move or change jobs? or is it just the fact that you can't that has you feeling trapped?

    It sounds like you have been living apart for a while and now you're just looking forward to being able to live with him. If that's correct, then nothing is different, you just now know where you will be in 6 months and you don't want to have to wait.

    Try to take it one week at a time. Set up a schedule as to when you will see each other (weekend visits, holiday breaks, etc). As you get closer to the move date you're going to have to make more frequent visits to look for a job and/or an apartment. Try to save up some extra money; that way you can move on schedule even if you don't find a job right away.

    One of the worst periods of my life was when my husband got a job out of state and had to start right away. We didn't have any money in savings so I couldn't move until I found a job in the same state, which took almost 6 months. We were only apart for about 6 weeks, but I was left behind to deal with all the moving, packing, selling the condo etc. We have plans to move back up north when he's done with his master's degree and my plan is to have at least 3 months income in the bank so we don't have to go through that again.

  2. yeah i know that must be hard 4 u, just try to not think about it soo much, try to get through each and every day as it comes, and don't over think things or put too much pressure on yourself about it.before u know it, the months will pass and you'll be with the one u love.

  3. I hate that period of time where you're in limbo, waiting for a life transition.

    I would suggest filling your time with other activities; take some classes over the Winter, enroll in activities and projects, learn a new skill, etc.  

  4. Just my advice, but use the next 6 months to steel yourself for the major change coming, work out more then you usually will, read some inspirational books.. spend more time getting yourself physically, emotionally and spiritually prepared for your new life. Sounds like you have some exciting things ahead of you.

  5. alcohol, p**n, and masturbation.  have fun!

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