
How to get to Japan/China?

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Ok. So I am planning a trip to go to either China or Japan next summer to study martial arts there and maybe Chinese medecine. Does anybody have any advice on how I could make this happen? Maybe some program that I could go with for some time, and then break off to spend the rest of my tme training. Any advice would be greatly appreciated




  1. Here's a school in China that'll teach you martial arts

  2. i dont konw . but i know something about martial arts or kungfu . there are many forms of kungfu . which form you would pick to do . theres chinese saying 'southern fist ,northern kick' it means northern kungfu  are exel at kicking  ,and southern are fist experts . i am kungfu fan ,chinses .

  3. If you want to study Chinese medecine, then go to China.

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