
How to get to Thailand from USA by boat?

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friend of mine is scared to fly, wants to bring his family to there anything cheaper than cruise ship that anyone knows of that can do this?




  1. teleportation just make sure theres no bugs in there when you go

  2. The fear of flying is serious.  BUT bottom line it's the best way to go.   There are somethings that make it easier, like flying late at night.  Going west your there by morning.  Believe me when I say your friend will be sick of the boat by the time it gets there, if he goes by ship.

  3. NOPE.  

    No cruise ships like that.  Some 30 years ago, there used to be some ships that used to come and go between Asia and USA.  

    But now all cruise ships are those luxury vacation type that basically "goes no where".

    Good Luck...

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