
How to get to Viney Street from Novotel Melbourne on collins hotel?

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  1. What suberb is Viney Street in?

    Then we might be able to help you.

    I googled Melways and found that street in Clayton.  It is a fair way from the city.  There was no train station close by (Oakleigh and Clayton were the closest) but there appeared to be a couple of buses which didn't seem to come from the city.  I would say you are going to have to catch a train + walk or a train + bus.  I would suggest you google melways then you can see on the map where you have to go.  Then you can zoom out to find out where you are in relation to the city and train and bus stops.  If you google metlink it will give you all the train, bus and tram routes in Melbourne.  There is a journey planner section where you can enter where you want to start and where you want to go.  Unfortunately Melbourne's outer suberbs are a bit lacking in public transport.  Hope this helps.

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