
How to get to Wall Street/NY Stock Exchange?

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It's been my dream for quite a while now to work on Wall Street or the New York Stock Exchange - come September; I'll be a junior in high school. I make really good grades. I plan to get a bachelor's degree in Economics then go on to either get a Law degree or an MBA. What do I need to do to get a job on Wall Street / New York Stock Exchange? I want to be either a lawyer, investment banker, or stockbroker. Any advice?




  1. You're on the right track but don't lock yourself into any thinking right now.  College will help you understand the precise direction you want to go.

    Going to a top-drawer college (think top 20) will REALLY help you reach your goal.  Most of the major investment banks only recruit from the very best colleges and then they only recruit the very top graduates.  If you graduate from a top university with superior grades you may get the job offer you want which would allow you to work for a couple of years before getting an MBA or JD.  During that time you may find that you really like the economics side of the business and want to pursue econ.  You may find that you really like the investment side and you want to pursue securities analysis.  You may find that you really like the math side and want to pursue trading or derivatives.

    But the bottom line is, you can have exactly the life you want if you work hard, keep your goal in mind, go to the very best university you can get into, and get absolutely great grades.

    Good luck.

  2. You should be a lawyer. It's a better chance to win a multi-million dollar case than getting to Wall Street. It goes like, lawyer and then after 2 other slots banker.

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