
How to get to a reasonable bed time for a 3 month old?

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my 3 month old daughter has just started sleeping from 11 - 630am! this is great but she isnt settling well before this time and she usually falls asleep in my arms and i transfer to her cot. ideally we'd like her to get into a 8-9pm bed time, whats the best way to promote this?

She has a feed of 6oz at around 730 and will drink it all, then the next feed is around 1030 but is usually too tired to finish it but as i said she sleeping well once asleep!! would really like a bit of evening relax with the partner!!!! any ideas much appreciated!!!




  1. I had my son on a schedule by the time he was two months old. He's 15 months old now, and still follows the schedule.

    He goes to bed every night at 8.

    His routine at 2-10ish months :

    7:00 ... gave him a bath and nursed him. I would put on gentle music, turn all the lights off, and lay him down. It took a little while to get him into this routine, but doing the exact same thing every night, at the exact same time.. he got to the point where every single night at 7, he would get cranky if he didn't get his bath!

    Now his routine is .... eat dinner.. get a bath.. brush teeth.. say goodnight to all the toys.. turn off all lights.. turn on soothing music.. say goodnight.. and off to sleep he goes. =)

    It's never too early to create a schedule for your child, so long as you are consistent in the timing and the routine.  

  2. Put her to bed at 8pm and don't take any back-talk. Who is in charge? You or her? Who cares if she just lays in her room awake for a couple hours pitching a fit, she will eventually get used to the bedtime.;...

  3. goodness...she is three months old and still trying to figure out where her security is.  Children need to feel secure and if they cry you hold them....that is how they learn trust.

    When they are 6 to 8 months old then you can try to teach them how to comfort themselves and go to bed.  You keep the same routine...get them home in time and create the same routine so they know what is going to happen.

    If you are out and about all the time and no boundaries and no routine...children won't ever learn bedtime habits.

    Give the same routine.  Bath, reading, music, rocking etc...and then lay them down.   But right now...that poor baby is too young...he/she needs her mommy!

    Your time with your partner comes last right now. Sorry..but that helpless creature comes first and rules the house right now.

    You can create time for yourselves on her schedule right now....

    Mother of three...two are twins...and grandmother of 12!  

    You can never hold them enough...babies can't be spoiled!

  4. it's too young to push it up for her.just be patient & wait. she'll herself make her own daughter is now 11 months old. but when she was 3 she never slept thru out the night & always woke up at intervals of 2 or 3 or 4 hours,which gradually became less & now she gets up at least 2 times at night & then again at the onset or just before dawn.

  5. Well, first especially with having a newborn..always consult your dr. first. But, right now she is way too young to put on a schedule. You are rushing into things..take a deep breath, and go with the flow. She needs you to just do what she wants right now. You can start all that in due time..Usually schedule does not start til about 7/12 months. Depending on the child/parent/Doctor..etc. Good luck.

  6. Actually, she's NOT too old to be put on a schedule.  My 4 1/2 month old has been on a schedule since about 1 month, and she sleeps from 7:30pm - 6:30am with a small feeding at about 10:30pm.  

      Your daughter needs to be put to bed way earlier than 11pm.  Start a routine.  And by a routine, I mean do it every single day.  Make sure that she gets 2 good (long) naps and one small nap during the day.  Around 7pm give her a bath, and get ready for bed.  Lights low.  Voices low.  It should be a very very low stimulus environment.  No mobile. No TV. Very very light music is OK.  Or get some white noise, or CDs of waves crashing on the beach or rain etc.  Give her the 7:30 feeding and put her down.  She'll probably not want to sleep directly in the crib, but get her used to it.  You're the boss!!  She might cry a bit.  Crying never killed anyone!

      Don't give her the 10:30 feeding unless she asks for it.  or make it a small bottle (for example, 3oz instead of 6oz).  Give her and yourself a couple of weeks to get used to the new routine.  

      After a couple of weeks you'll be able to spend some relaxing quality time with your partner.

  7. she's too young to be put on a schedule, let her work it out herself. my son didn't start sleeping right through the night til 6mths. its supposed to be baby-led sleep and eating patterns at this age.

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