
How to get to talk to a girl alone if shes always with friends?

by  |  earlier

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she is always walking around with friends but i cant find a time when shes alone walking by herself to get her numba. ( i like her btw) but i dont want every1 to know so i have to ask her aloneeeeeeeee ( i more thing this is not my real age.. i needed to make a acc despratlly)




  1. You just need to find her at a time when no one is around her.

  2. ur best bet would just be just to ask if you could talk to her for a minuet alone. it would be easier than waiting for a chance for it to happen. just go for it who cares whate everone else says. best of luck ^^

  3. casually communicate with her online.

    its less serious but you can get her alone

    without the embarrassment of rejection.

    Once your comfortable and have a few inside jokes established.

    call her away from her friends.

  4. Well, you can ask her if you can have a sec with her.

    Just walk up to her, "hey, you got a sec?"

    But that's obvious, aha [:

    Write her a note and slip it to her, or ask one of her friends that you know if she can walk her away from the friends and tada now it's just you, her, & her friend, then just tell her friend to go away please.

    I'd write a little note though, it's cute.


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