
How to get to that next step?

by  |  earlier

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well I have lately been having bad luck with girls. I have had relationships before but I've been pretty lucky getting them. Lately, I have been getting bad timing with girls and instead of having a relationship it willl turn into just friendships. wich is not what I'm aiming for. so at what point do I talk to the female about relationships




  1. promise the something you know you cant give them

    or simple kidnapping will do

  2. Okay well girls really apperciate a guy telling them that they like them, even if we dont like you back the courage is always attractive.

    But dont go telling her friends or adsking them what you should do unless you know they wont say anything to her because 99.9% of the time guys tell one of our friends and thats just not the way too go.

    :) hope I helped

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