
How to get toned for volleyball?

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i need excersices that can help me get toned for volleyball. i know a couple of workouts. i know running is really good for getting tone. wall squats, lunges. if you can tell me some different workout or videosthat i can watch that would be great. thank you... <3 kolie




  1. Playing defense in volleyball helps tone my thighs because you always have to be down low.   I also jump rope a lot because it not only tones my calves, it improves my vertical.  For my arms I lift weights and do good old fashioned pushups.   :D  Also, core strength is vital in volleyball, so I do a lot of sits ups, crunches, planks, etc.   Hope this helps!

  2. At volleyball conditioning, we do some sprints.

    Jump over hurdles, do some rope exercises(like where you ave the ladder and you jump in and out of it)

    We do squats and push ups. At least 100 sit ups.

    Shuffles and dives will get your ready for defence.

    After an hour, we go to the workout room.

    We do bench presses, biceps and triceps curls, 3 minute jump rope. Different things like that..

    Talk to a coach or volleyball trainer.

  3. *Thighs and Butt exercises - Box jumps, jump and hangs, squats, sprints, stair climbs, leg presses, seated and standing calf raises, leg extensions.

    *Calves - http://www.weight-lifting-workout-routin...

    *Ankles -

    *Shoulders -

    *Bicep &amp; Tricep -

    (I also recommend Jackhammer curls for biceps, they&#039;re my favorites)

    *Abs (Very important) -

    *Upper/Lower Back -

    I play in college and I do most of the workouts you will find at these websites.  Also, hit the gym and weights as often as you can.  And, if you are able, drink protein drinks.  I personally take GNC Pro Performance Wheybolic Extreme 60.  I like the chocolate a lot.  One scoop in an hour before your workout and another scoop in the hour after.  Hope that helps!

  4. i was wondering the same thing. thanks for asking the question for me!

  5. hmm,

    try wall-sits


    Leg Press

    Leg Extension

    Calf Exercises (such as standing calf raise)

    Hamstring Exercises(such as laying leg curls) tone your legs.

    push ups

    lift. tone arms.

    and of coarse abs..crunches..etc.

    good luck :]

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