
How to get tourist permit or resident permit for Mexico?

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I want to get married in Nogales, Mexico but i found out I need a passport and either a tourist permit or a resident permit for Mexico. I have the passport already. How can I get either one of the other things?




  1. If you are flying they will be handling your tourist card on the lane for you. Simple little form you fill out in flight. Good for 180 days.

    FM3 card ( resident ) needs to be done before the 180 days runs out. Big problem if it does expire.

    FM3 card is not too difficult to get. Need copies of every page (even the blank ones) of your passport, copy of your tourist card, Copies of , say, electric water bills for proof of residency.

  2. Stop at Immigration and pay your $23us for a Tourist Visa

  3. Do you mean Nogales Mexico or Nogales Sonora?

    Requirements differ in the border towns as opposed to "Downtown " Mexico as you know

    If you are an American and you are going to stay in Mexico then you will need an F.M 3  and there are Monetary issues associated.

    The fact that I don't know you and that there are so many other factors restricts me from any further advice or info.

    Suerte y tenga una vida buena

    Nogales Sonora  Well you  are so close that you can probably stay undetected and flash you certificate de boda,

    Caiste de amor con una Senorita Mexican verdad.

    Como las Senoritas en Mexico "No Hay Dos"

    Las Senoritas en Mexico son differentes , Por Ejemplo no toman mucho ni fuman mucho y tambien no consuman los drogas.

    Amo Mexico Mucho

    Ya me voy--estoy viendo una partido de Hockey sobre hielo enter Philly y Pittsburgh

    No te preocupes-- Estoy bien soloso c****n

    Dios mio This has to be the worst answer I have ever given.

    Sorry to ramble but I have to get to 50 words a minute in 4 months

  4. you have to get the tourist visa anyway when you enter the country its at immigation the form you fill out its $21.

    Then you go to immagration with 2 copies of your passport copies of the tourist permit (FMT) proof of living place (like a light bill) and 1 card from you asking permission to get married 1 from your fiance and 1 from both of you, you then pay like way to much money and in a week they give you a letter which is there permission for you to get married

    then you go to the registro civil with that your copies of your passport, FMT, ids of your 2 witnesses, the letter that you got in immagration, and a letter from a mexican doctor saying your in good health, you have to get blood tests for that and then you go to the centro de salud and get the doctor to type out that letter for you its like $30 pesos.

    Then at the registro civil you give all that to the judge and you pay double what the mexicans pay to get married

    I HAVE THE FM3 visa and you have to be married to a mexican citizen if you want it the easy way, if your getting married to an american it gets harder.

    But if yourgjust getting married here just do the FMT or get married and then do the FM3 if you want it

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