
How to get tree sap out of jeans?

by Guest59768  |  earlier

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hubby leaned on a hand rail made of wood problem was the weather was so warm no one noticed the rail was bleeding tree sap now he has dried on tree sap on his new jeans anyone know how to get it out??




  1. Carbona Stain Devils. Probably the # 1 formula.You can get them at your grocery store or Walmart or Kmart. They have a formula made specifically for every type of stain. They have NEVER let me down. I keep your all purpose stain removers like Shot, Zout etc and when I get a stain that seems like it isn't going to come out I go get the Carbona made just for that kind of stain and have never had it fail to remove the stain. I really need to just shell out the money and get one of each. But I don't get stains that often so I just buy them as I need them. You can get a huge bottle of Shout or Spay in wash for the same price and they do work on many stains. These little things are a bit pricy considering the size but if you get a stain that seems like you are going to have to throw away an item over it or wear as a paint shirt or something, then they are very worth it.

  2. Try a solvent like rubbing alcohol, or Goo Gone.

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